¡regreso de México!

I am back from Mexico! I know, I know, most of you are probably thinking ....uh we didn't even know you were going to Mexico!? Unlike when I went to Nicaragua, I did not post before hand like I had here and here. To be honest this trip came together much quicker than the trip to Nicaragua and with lots of busyness in our personal life, as well as for the business, this trip was on the back burner so to speak. However, it was an amazing trip and I am so excited to share the details!

We went with an organization called Back2Back whose goal is to provide care for today and hope for the future for orphans around the world. The premise is that they come alongside native organizations and help provide support and resources they would otherwise not have (actively combating many of the problems that have recently become apparent with short term service trips - read more here). In our case, Back2Back works closely with a Mexican orphanage, Hogar del Norte in Monterrey, which we got to help and serve while we were there. 

While the children are just precious, our primary focus was to pour into the long term caregivers - providing them some rest and encouragement for all of the hard work they are doing! (Due to some laws protecting the identity of these children, many of the sweet photos we took cannot be posted online.)

^^These sweet ladies served us the most AMAZING food! (Didn't they know we were supposed to be serving them?) Definitely a highlight of the trip^^

^^On one of our last days in Monterrey we went to a park over looking the city and saw this guy. No one knew what it was at the time, but with some googling, I am pretty sure I saw my first coati^^

Mexico, you are so beautiful. 


  1. This is the first time I read your blog and speaking for it and from the sisters tag with Laina I can say you have a beautiful heart and soul! Keep it up! Greetings from Monterrey :)
