keeping creativity alive

The past few weeks have been crazy with lots of client work. And although it seems a little counter intuitive to stop and sketch during a busy season, doing something creative that is completely unrelated and just for fun, keeps those creative juices flowing. At circles last year I heard Patrick Mahoney discuss the importance of working on personal creative projects outside of client work. Since then anytime I have felt overwhelmed, or that my work is all looking blah I'll do a quick sketch. There is something freeing about doing something for yourself that has no outside input or restrictions.

I am not framing this anytime soon, but I do feel ready to face my clients' work again. Hopefully with fresh eyes. ;)


  1. OMG YOUR SOOOO GOOD AT DRAWING!! Like whhhaaattt!!!

  2. I saw your video with laina! You are so beautiful! Inside and out :-) (not to be creepy) lol:-P god bless you and your husband!
