oh social media...

This definitely isn't the first time I have chatted about my social media struggles. I first confessed my nonexistent social media activity and vowed to be more active, and most recently I talked about the difficulty and strangeness that comes with documenting life. 

So I have had an ongoing struggle with social media for a while. Everything from not knowing what to post, finding the balance between posting business stuff vs. personal stuff, questioning how much time/energy should be put into the social media presence of Bluebonnet Press when I always have tons of other stuff to be doing, and on and on. Back in January I saw this video about how facebook actively restricts information:

This realization pretty much solidified the fact that I won't be putting effort into the Bluebonnet Press facebook page. If you want to go even further down the rabbit hole, watch this video about how even if you pay your audience does not see it!?!

I really like instagram, and post there fairly often. I post pictures about new blog posts, but most of my photos are unique to instagram. One of my biggest struggles/fears is that the Bluebonnet Press social media accounts will just feel spammy with the same stuff reposted all over the place. I had pretty much written off twitter...again, but after reading this great blog post I am going to give it another go. The whole point of social media is to give clients a better idea of who we are and what we do, and to foster connection. So twitter here we come. I'll have to do a little research and see what other businesses are doing on twitter, and how to emulate something that will work for Bluebonnet Press.

Wish me luck!

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