life lately

The last few weeks have been really packed. Remember when I mentioned making exceptions to make time for the things that are really important to you? Well I have been working part time this last month in order to fit some other things in. 

The end of June I helped with Vacation Bible School at my church. It was such a fun week, but really made me appreciate this time Corey and I have before kids haha! And then last week we helped with a huge service project our church does all over the city of Houston. At our site we teamed up with a non-profit organization called Generation One whose mission is spiritual growth and physical rebuilding of the impoverished areas of the Third Ward. It was an incredible week. Lots of planning and preparation went into this, but we managed to fit in some things like: catching an Astros game with a friend from NY, watching World War Z (eeek it was intense!), and mountain biking.

In a few more weeks Corey and I will both be going to Nicaragua to drill a water well and teach hygiene in a small village outside of León. So I am using these next few weeks to catch my breath and prepare for our trip. Hope you're enjoying summer too :)

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