photo credit: blanc pâle
We will be drilling a water well and teaching hygiene in a small village outside of León. I think it will be such a great experience and am really excited about this trip. Before hearing about Living Water, I knew that there were places in the world without access to clean drinking water, but I never spent time to consider what that meant. Not having clean drinking water available is not only a severe health hazard, but it handicaps the economy continuing the cycle of poverty. Walking miles with a 5 gallon jug of water everyday takes precious time away from education, building infrastructure, and earning an income. This is the case for 783 million people around the world.
You certainly don't have to go to a foreign country and drill a well to help. One cool way to support, is to drink only tap water for a month and give the amount you would have spent on coke, coffee, tea, snapple, chai tea lattes, vitamin water, gatorade, wine, beer, milk shakes, etc. so more wells can be drilled. Corey and I did this and were amazed at how much it was. For more info on how you can get involved check out the Living Water website.
Just FYI our etsy shop will be closed and their won't be any new blog posts while I am away. I am sure I will have lots to share when we get back though!
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