be inspired: landscape love

Sorry I have been so MIA! In some ways I am always more drained after a trip than before, why is it you seem to need a vacation immediately after your vacation? Probably all the laundry!

If you have not been watching the art assignment, you should get on that. They're artist interviews in which the artists challenge viewers by giving them an assignment to complete. I haven't done any of the assignments, but the videos are so interesting and inspiring! Not too long ago I watch the episode about landscape and the figure/ground relationship. Feel free to watch it here (and all the videos!) I have long loved landscapes, Canaletto being one of my first loves, but watching this video renewed that love all over again.

These are some landscapes I am currently loving:

photo credit: Emily Jeffords
The gorgeous impressionistic oil landscapes painted by Emily Jeffords.

photo credit: Zoltan Bekefy
These breath taking black and white photographs by Zoltan Bekefy.

photo credit: Eiko Ojala
This amazing papercut illustration by Eiko Ojala.

taylor_allen_silhouette 3.jpg
photo credit: Taylor Allen
And these landscape silhouettes by Taylor Allen (love love love the relationship of figure and ground here.)

1 comment:

  1. As much as they all look good, I have to strongly agree with you on the piece by Ekio Ojala. I think I am in love!!
    Plus now I know which piece I can remake for my art class ;)
    Nice choices :)
