a letter home

So I haven't been blogging a lot and have been a little vague about some crazy and extreme busyness that has been going on in our personal lives lately. No, I am not pregnant....why is that everyone's first thought? We are moving! Staying in Houston, moving about 10 miles away so we're just down the road. And although I am extremely excited about this new chapter of our lives, moving has hit me a little harder than I expected. So I thought I would just be all gushy and get it out here on the blog!

Dear Sherwin House, 

Goodness, what can I say? You have been so good to us. When I first moved in, your walls seemed so massive and stark. You were filled with mismatched furniture from school, and lots of boy stuff that was pretty scary. But slowly we painted your walls, put pictures and art up, bought matching furniture piece by piece and little by little you grew on me. You taught me to cook in your kitchen, thanks for always being patient with me there! We hosted Thanksgiving together, and celebrated many Christmases (with lots of glitter.) And you always keep me on my toes, I can't remember the number of times I have slipped running down the stairs in socks. You were my shelter from life when jobs were hard, family was sick, or I stepped out and started my business. The place I felt so safe in, my place. No, our place. You were such a haven and supporter of our marriage. Corey and I fell in love all over again here. You're the place we talk for hours, get in full fledged fights over tickling, or order pizza and binge watch all of breaking bad. 

You became our home. I look around and it's kind of hard to imagine living anywhere else. But if you've taught us anything, you've taught us that home is where we are together. We are leaving soon, and going to learn many things from our new place I am sure, but we won't forget the lessons you've shared. Please make the family who moves here feel as loved as we were. 

Sarah & Corey

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