
change is mysterious

With the new studio remodel, my mind has been spinning with new ideas for the business. Everything seems much more finite with this space for some reason. The studio space is going to communicate so much about the Bluebonnet Press brand - who we are, what we do, how you feel when you walk in should be how you feel when you work with us. Needless to say I am having a hard time pinning down and committing to a particular aesthetic. If this post weren't obvious enough. (That being said, I have been working on some renderings and can't wait to share soon!)

Yet something about this unsure, indecisive process has made me very sure about one thing: I want to change everything. Seriously everything, our branding, our website, our logo and even parts of our business model. I am not sure how all of this will play out, but I do know change is good. Change is a necessary part of growth, but I still feel anxious/excited/unsettled/about to burst with joy - yes all at once. 

photo credit: Martin LaBar, Jim Russell, Jenny

Recently I heard this story about how when caterpillars go into their chrysalis', they completely dissolve into a kind of caterpillar goo before they become a butterfly. I find this incredibly fascinating, that in order to become something new these guys completely give into this process - it's so magical and mysterious. (Tad-pols have nothing on caterpillars in my book.) That sometimes when change is going on, we really don't know what is happening and if we peeked inside it would look like a hot mess. That's very comforting to my insides right now haha. 

If you'd like to listen to the butterfly story I'd highly recommend it. Go here and start at 50:30, or you know, just listen to the whole thing ;)

**update on my 30 day challenge**
So not long after I started my self imposed challenge, our gym started a 45 day, healthy living challege/competition (that's where #ioc45days came from if you follow on insta). I quickly quit my challenge and started the new one, I had three days of eating crap before the new challenge began. Currently on day 22...

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