
30 day challenge

Goodness, how is it already 2015?! It seems like this last year has just flown by. To kick off the new year I am challenging myself for the next 30 days.

A few years ago I read Jessica's awesome experience with the whole 30 and have been intrigued ever since. However I wasn't completely sold on the whole paleo diet trend. Then not too long ago I watched Matt Cutts' Ted Talk about how you can take 30 days to challenge yourself to do something you have always wanted to do, and how little changes can change your life. Watch it here:

SO good right? Then it just hit me, to just make my own challenge and stick to it for 30 days. So this is what I decided to do.

I am eating:
Lots and lots of fruits & veggies (I never eat enough of these!)
Meat & Fish
Sweet Potatoes
Dairy & Eggs
Beans, Nuts and seeds

I am not eating:
Fast food (because yeah)
Breads, Pastas, Rice
White Potatoes
Sweets & Fried Foods

Excited to challenge myself and see what the next 30 days holds!

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