store front inspiration

As I mentioned in this post, we have moved into a new studio space! Just typing that makes my heart just about leap out of my chest! There is lots to be done at the new space before we open it up to clients and consultations - contractors, permits, demo & remodeling. One of the biggest plans for the space is to convert the front of the building to a commercial storefront.

I have been scouring pinterest for great storefront inspiration. These are the ones I am currently drooling over:

photo credits: 1, 2, 3, 4,
56, 7, 8, 9
1011, 12, 13,
Aren't they all gorgeous?! Obviously I don't have one particular style I like. Bright, fun, and full of color, or maybe white, clean and fresh, or maybe more warm, warn, and textured - at this point I am not really sure what direction the Bluebonnet Press studio will end up going...

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