new year, new goals

There is something about the new year that is so exciting, and I don't just mean beautiful new calendars! Something that gives you a chance to evaluate, and make a resolution or two. Last year I made some tangible goals for the year, and although I didn't complete them all - I made it a lot further than March.

photo credit: something charming

 Sitting down and trying to think through some realistic goals was harder this year, but here goes nothing:

  • Exercise 3 times a week. This originally started out as 'Get Healthy', but that's not something easily measured and therefore something I would totally slack on. 
  • Take pictures with my nice camera once a week. Again I wanted to write, 'Start bringing my camera with me and using it more.' I don't want to be a pro, but getting over the hump of not knowing much about my new camera will definitely encourage me to use it more.
  • Go through and organize my business email. 
  • Transfer and consolidate my business files. After my computer crashed I got another computer and need to set it up and organize it (didn't lose anything though - always back your stuff up!). I am also including in this the organization of the files on my accounting software.
  • Write the rough draft of the YA book. My sister and I have talked about writing a book together for over a year now, so this will hopefully give me a kick in the pants. 
  • Go to 2 training programs for the business (ie class/workshop/conference.) I liked this one.
  • Grow with the business. I know, I know - this isn't measurable. I don't know what this next year holds for Bluebonnet Press, so it's hard to put a tangible goal here. I play it very safe, and am extremely risk adverse - for the most part that is great and has kept our family out of debt. However, I want to be ready to grow as the business grows, whether it's moving into a larger studio space, expanding the payroll, or other uncertainties - I am up for it!

1 comment:

  1. Haii! ILY!! You are so pretty and creative! I found out about you from your sister Laina. But I was wondering how do I subscribe to your posts? Thanks <3 Sophia.
