Happy New Year!

The new year is a great time to stop and evaluate, to make goals, and refocus.

I have read a lot of blogs with a single goal to simplify or be more positive. While that is good (and something I would like to do as well) I want to make some specific and measurable goals to have for the coming year.
  • Continue reading the Bible through in a year. I started this in November after finishing the book Radical by David Platt. I would highly recommend it!
  • Try 6 new restaurants. When we eat out it's hard for me to try something new when I could have something I know I already love. 
  • Wear more hats. (I know this isn't exactly measurable, but considering I currently only wear baseball hats to attend baseball games - any added hat wearing will be an improvement)
  • Read 12 books.
  • Go to 2 training programs for the business (ie class/workshop/conference.)
Happy New Year and don't forget to eat some black eyed peas!

----edit: see how I did!----

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