favorite things: 6.6.13

I briefly mentioned in the capturing inspiration post that I use evernote, but I really didn't go into my full love for the app. It's really one of my favorite things!

Evernote is a free app to help organize all your notes. Not only can notes be typed into evernote, but it also archives pictures of  things you want to note like handwritten lists, menus, recipes, receipts, maps, travel info, basically anything you want to record and keep track of. The search tool can even search within text in pictures to find what you are looking for later, how cool is that? It also uses audio recording if you like to take notes/reminders that way. One of the most useful things are the reminders that can be attached to the notes, you can set deadlines and have evernote remind you through the app or send an email. Basically this app is amazing! 

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