capturing inspiration

I have been designing some great stuff this week and it got me thinking about how I get inspired for new designs. Like most people my creativity isn't free flowing, but rather comes in spurts. So instead of forcing it, I just try to capture the inspiration when it comes.

photo credit: mygothlaundry

Be observant. There is so much beauty in the world, from the texture of that avocado at the grocery store to the way the sun reflects off the oil smudge in the parking lot while you pump gas. Inspiration can come from anywhere, but you'll miss it if you aren't looking.

Be intentional. Sometimes you need to go looking for inspiration. Whether at the park, museum, or book store, I have found breaking my daily routine to really help spark new ideas.

Be prepared. I have several running lists on my evernote app that I continually add to as ideas come. I know from experience, if I don't write it down I will surely forget! I also take tons of pictures, again with my phone because it's always on hand.

Be flexible. I like structure and feel most productive when I have a plan, however instead of a rigid schedule, I have a list of items for the day - this allows me the freedom to design as I feel inspired.

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