
what I learned from #The100DayProject

Earlier this year I participated in an experiment in hopes to push myself out of my comfort zone, create in ways that weren't related to my clients and to be 100% honest, gain a few more followers for my instagram account. You can read a little about the project and what I wrote when I started here. Well I am SO incredibly glad I did, I learned more from that experience than I ever thought I would - and it has grown my business in ways that I could have never expected!

Without further ado:

Perfection isn't all it's cracked up to be. I am a perfectionist to the core. In a lot of ways it's great for the business, because I will not settle for less than perfect it guaranteeing my clients the best. However, sometimes it is completely immobilizing. If it can't be perfect why even try? (This isn't so much with clients, but with the millions of new ideas I have to grow the business.) Letting go of perfection led to some of the pieces I am most proud of.

Accountability is key. The fact that I had to post a photo everyday really kept me going. I know if I had been doing this project within a vacuum, I would have taken three times a long to finish (or never have finished at all.) The accountability of all of you commenters asking about my posts when I skipped a day, kept me on track and kept me posting.

Practice, practice, practice! I started with hand lettering because I LOVED it, but really sucked at it. I didn't really think I would get much better, but surely learn something and gain an appreciation for a skill I didn't have. Well, low and behold, I did get better - a lot better! I watched tons of youtube videos, and practiced writing every. single. day. I certainly still have a long way to go, but yeah, there's something to be said for practicing and putting in the hours.

Quantity makes quality. I lettered this phrase one of the days closer to the end after noticing there were several pieces I really liked. I know if I would have just worked on making those pieces I was super proud of I would have never gotten as many. But if you just continue to work and work and work and make stuff then a few really good things will come from all of that work.

I can do this. This was probably the most unexpected thing that came from this project. Starting the project my intention was to keep this work separate from my business. Let lettering be a fun little creative hobby like cooking or photography, something that inspired me, but wasn't part of the business. Well after I started, I began to get people asking to have cards and prints made as well as inquiries for custom hand lettering projects. So now, unexpectedly, this is something that Bluebonnet Press is excited to offer!

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