
feeling phoneless

So short story. This past weekend Corey and I flew to DC for his cousin's wedding. On the way to the airport I realize in the hustle and bustle of grabbing our bags, getting the dogs situated, and canceling an internet service technician who showed up while we were walking out the door - I forgot my phone!

I was initially upset/extremely frustrated with myself; if we were going to make our flight, my phone was not coming with us. As the weekend progressed however, I actually enjoyed not having it. I didn't carry a purse to most of the wedding events because there really wasn't a need. It was so nice to really be engaged in conversation and be living the moments instead of capturing them (exactly like what I talked about here).

Of course, there were also a few times I missed it terribly. The semi helpless feeling I had when I was separated from Corey at the airport - what will I do/we can't call each other?! The necessity of getting directions to our hotel. Being at a supper table with every person on their phones and feeling very ignored/lonely. Wanting to instagram absolutely everything.

The feeling was so strong that while we were flying back home, and the sun was setting I grabbed Corey's phone and snapped this:

Despite not having my phone it was a wonderful, wonderful weekend. The wedding ceremony was absolutely beautiful and the time to connect with family was much needed. DC will always have such a special place in my heart, I can't believe it's already been 5 years since I interned there. Goodness!

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