
karen & andrew

Last week I posted the inspiration board we put together after meeting with Karen and Debbie, and now here are the invites that were created from those initial meetings. (Blogger was acting crazy Friday and none of my photos would upload, but everything seems to be working today!) 

Here is a picture of the actual trees Karen and Andrew got married under, on the gorgeous Rice campus. We knew it was important to incorporate these beautiful live oaks into the invitation design, but we wanted them to be a subtle feature. 

Just like with the book plates, we used a very light ink to print the trees. We paired this with a rich navy color for the text, which we continued to use throughout the envelopes and liners. I love the classic feel that this color palette gives the suite, and yet the unique design makes the invitations very one of a kind.

Ahhhh, I just LOVE these so much!

1 comment:

  1. These are absolutely stunning!
