stream of consciousness & easy sherbet cake

Okay so it's been a while, and no there's not really a good reason. I love blogging because it's a way to keep track of all the awesome things happening with Bluebonnet Press, as well as share a more personal side of myself and creative process. However, sometimes blogging sort of snowballs and you realize you haven't blogged in almost a month - and the more you don't write the easier it becomes to abandon it.

I no longer have my big camera that I usually take blog photos with, it's a long story. I have been looking into cameras and what I want to get. My goodness there are a lot of choices and opinions out there! If y'all have any specific camera recommendations, I'm all ears. Was thinking about actually braving the craziness that is Black Friday to buy something...the trampling stories are pretty intense though.

Several weeks ago I made this easy sherbet cake for Corey's birthday, he always loves it.

I would hardly call it a recipe, but it's quick, wonderful and always a favorite!
  • cut angel food cake into three or four layers 
  • layer rainbow sherbet in between 
  • cover with cool whip and freeze 
The hardest part is waiting for the cool whip to thaw, you'd think they would sell it unfrozen. 

Along with not having my camera, I have also been feeling under the weather recently which has further contributed to my not wanting to do anything. I had a flu shot and have had flu-like symptoms this past week,  yet the flu shot is not an active virus and therefore cannot give you the flu so I don't know. I am pretty sure the best medicine for feeling sick is watching movies, don't you agree? I recently saw the trailer for Saving Mr. Banks, and oh em gee! Take a look:

Speaking of new movies and stream of consciousness, they are making As I Lay Dying into a movie...

I am really interested to see how that gets translated visually, although Life of Pi was one I thought would be horrible but turned out great.

It's good to be back.

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