

Earlier this week, I got to take an online course from the wonderful Emily Jeffords on growing your creative business. I have followed Emily's journey for a while now and it was so wonderful to hear her advice and wisdom. She was very honest and real with us, so inspiring to talk with other creatives about the passion and struggle that owning a creative business is!

One thing she talked about was floundering. How floundering in business isn't a bad thing, and is probably going to happen many times throughout our careers.

While I am not currently flailing violently, if you read this post you know the business and myself are going through a big transition phase. Sometimes my creativity is just too much, I feel like it's pulling me a million directions. Yet the struggle is sweet, and makes us stronger. It pushes us to new things, things we would have never tried without it. So when your creativity seems to be in over drive, and you can't quite pin down what direction to go - just remember, floundering is good. You'll come out the other side better for it!

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