
中国 aka China

Not that long ago Corey and I went to China. It was the time of our lives! The people, the food, the history, the culture...there are no words. But there sure are a million pictures - here are a few of my favorites:

^^It's not a great photo because of the glass, but this giant grizzly came right up to us, sat down and started clapping. We're pretty sure he was trained to do that^^ 

 ^^I still can't get over the thousands of years of history ^^

^^hot pot, like Chinese fondue - it was amazing^^ 

 ^^It doesn't look it, but the great wall is so incredibly steep!^^ 
^^luckily we rode a ski lift up and then got to ride a toboggan down^^
^^yes, I ate a scorpion - amazing race here I come!^^

 ^^We couldn't take pictures, but this before an acrobatic show that just about gave me a heart attack. I found some clips online, but it's not nearly as scary as watching in person!^^

Traveling always makes me feel so small yet filled with wonder and inspiration. 

1 comment:

  1. looks like a super time.something for the bucket list.
    now off for a chinese meal.
    Doug T
