
tortilla española

When I was in college I got the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Valencia one summer. It was incredible. The first night I stayed with my host mother she said we were having tortilla for dinner, and of course I was thinking What are we going to have inside the tortillas? I soon learned that Spanish tortilla is actually something similar to a potato omelette. I scarfed down the delicious tortilla that night and many more while in Spain. Nothing reminds me more of my time there than eating tortilla.

Of course as soon as I started cooking, the battery on my camera died. Goodness. However, I did discover Aran's beautiful food photography through pinterest, talk about eye candy!

photo credit: cannelle-vanille
2 large potatoes peeled and cut into 1cm pieces
1/2 large white onion diced
about 1 cup vegetable oil
6 eggs
salt and pepper to taste

Cook potatoes, onions and oil in a large skillet on medium heat for 15 minutes or until potatoes break easily with a spatula, stir occasionally
Remove potatoes from pan and use colander to drain oil (collect oil in a bowl, do not put down sink!)
In another large bowl whisk eggs, add potato mixture and salt and pepper, stir together
In the same skillet heat 2 tbsp oil on medium high, pour mixture into pan, spread evenly
Cook until bottom is browned, about 4 minutes
Gently shake pan so tortilla doesn't stick, then slide a spatula along edges and underneath tortilla. Place a large plate over pan and quickly turn plate and pan over so tortilla falls onto plate. Add 1 tsp. reserved oil to pan, slide tortilla back in (uncooked side down), carefully tuck in sides with a fork. (This seems really scary but is actually easy to do - to see how it's done watch this)
Continue cooking over medium heat until eggs are just set, about 3 minutes.
Remove from skillet, serve in wedges. Enjoy!

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